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This simple daily tracker template helps you monitor your daily activities and track how much time you spend on them. It’s intuitive and easy to use.
The Daily Tracker, located at the bottom of this page, is the core of this template.
The Dashboard updates automatically based on the entries in the Daily Tracker.
For inquiries or feedback, feel free to email [email protected].
Delete this section once you're familiar with the template.
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This is where you can view a summary of your Daily Tracker.
⌛️Time: Adjust the time filter to display a summary for the day, week, month, or year. By default, it shows a weekly summary.
📊 Chart: Customize the chart to analyze data. I created two charts, one displaying the total minutes spent on each category and another showing the average focus score per category.
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This section is where you’ll log your daily activities.
Remember: You don’t need to record everything—only track the activities that matter to you.
1️⃣ Activity: Write down the activity you want to track. Keep the title simple. To add notes, click the title to open the page.
2️⃣ Start Time: Select when you began the activity. Be sure to include the time.
3️⃣ End Time: Select when you finished the activity.
4️⃣ Category: Assign a category to the activity. I’ve added some categories I personally use, but feel free to edit them.
5️⃣ Focus: Rate your focus level on a scale of 1 to 5. 5 means you were fully focused, while 1 indicates distraction.
6️⃣ Duration: This is automatically calculated based on the difference between the Start Time and End Time.
🚨 Note: I’ve applied a filter to display only this week’s entries. Feel free to adjust it as needed.